Sunday 27 December 2009

How to Clean Up After Christmas

If you are like many families, Christmas is a time of fun and celebration and probably gifts as well. However, it can be a time for a lot of trash and messes around the house, too. How can you clean up after Christmas without draining yourself?

Here are some tips on how to clean up after Christmas:

· If food or drink is spilled, spot clean immediately so it doesn't stain
· Move breakables or special items that you don't want damaged during festivities
· Clean the kitchen as you go when cooking holiday meals
· Clean up wrapping paper and other decorative items as you go
· Choose a designated area for opening packaging and other items so the mess stays in one place
· Recycle holiday wrapping paper, boxes and any other packaging that you can
· Enlist the help of friends or family members in the cleanup
· Don't try to do it all the night of the big day- rest and cleanup the next day
· Don't try to do it all at once- take it one section or area at a time
· Create a written plan of what and how you will clean up after Christmas (food and dishes first, trash and papers next, vacuum and sweeping after that, etc.)

Now that you have these tips for cleaning up after Christmas, you are prepared to go into the holidays without worry of what will happen after the big day. You have a plan to clean and you just need to follow it through. Enjoy your Christmas festivities without fear of the cleanup!

Thursday 24 December 2009

Office Cleaning Training Video

Learn how to clean offices. Use this office cleaning training video to train your janitorial employees on how to clean offices.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

How to Clean a Window Or Glass

We've all heard the phrase "I don't do windows!" And if you have ever had problems cleaning them you understand why. Most chemicals seem to make the windows shine as soon as you clean them. But after they dry streaks appear, giving windows a cloudy look, along with the nice pattern of how you cleaned and what you missed. Those are the spots that are clear.

Some people like to use varies chemicals that are supposed to evaporate when drying and give you a streak free look. Let me tell you some of those chemicals are not good for you. Like ammonia, it cleans great evaporates quick and can give your windows a cleanliness you want. The downside is that the fumes are toxic no matter how much you dilute it.

So what are your alternatives? How about soap and water? Sure that can work but it can leave residue if not properly rinsed. What I like to use is simply vinegar and water. It's safe to use and some people like the smell of it.

So to clean windows quickly you will need a couple tools. A bucket, a sponge, a squeegee and a towel. The process is simple enough, mix vinegar and water in the bucket about 5 parts water to 1 part vinegar. Dip the sponge in and wet the window, I like to do a light scrub to get any stuck on dirt. Then use the squeegee to wipe down the glass and use the towel to wipe up any spilt water.

It's a matter of using a system to quick wet and wipe. When you get good at it, it should only take you a few minutes to do a window. And when you are done your windows will look good as new and streak free.

Sunday 6 December 2009

How Can I Get Rid of the Awful Smell on Mattresses From the Effects of Smoking?

The smell of cigarette smoke clings to your clothes. If you also smoke while you are lounging on your bed, the smell will surely cling to your mattress too. This is not the last thing you will want to smell when you go to sleep.

So how do you get rid of the smell anyway? For clothes, you can just dump them in your washing machine, add fabric conditioner and the smell is gone. How I wish we can do the same for our mattress but since that is not the case, you can always try the following steps in cleaning:

Step 1: Get a fabric conditioner and slightly dissolve it in water. Make sure you choose the white fabric conditioner as this will not cause discolouration in your mattress. Get a sponge and soak it in the solution. Wring out excess water and blot the mattress with the sponge. Make sure you blot out both sides of the mattress. Let the solution penetrate so leave it for a few minutes.

Step 2: Afterwards, get clean water and blot the mattress again using the sponge. This will help get rid of the residues of fabric conditioner. Once done, sprinkle baking soda on both sides of the mattress. Baking soda actually helps deodorize mattresses as it absorbs odor. Also, it helps absorb moisture to help dry your mattress quickly. Let baking soda sit for a few minutes.

Step 3: After 15 minutes or so, vacuum both sides of the mattress to remove odor and baking soda residues.

Step 4: Afterwards, leave the mattress under a sunny place to dry up. One of the most effective ways of removing odor from furniture and upholstery is to sun dry it. For sure, your mattress will smell fresh in no time.

If you want a quicker way to deodorize your mattress, you can always go for the rubbing alcohol method. Just spray rubbing alcohol on both sides of the mattress. It dries quickly and it removes any unpleasant odor.

If you have steam cleaner at home, this also helps remove upholstery odor. Try using the steam cleaner to clean your mattress. But make sure it produces dry steam so you will not soak the mattress through. Better yet, use a hand held clothes steamer to do this process for you.

Try this trick in removing smoke smell from your mattress. Once you have removed the smell, you can easily fall asleep and have proper rest.

Zach Smith

Tuesday 1 December 2009

How to Kill Germs in Your Washing Machine

Remember all those dirty socks you washed in your washer? What about the soiled and muddy shirt you dumped in it? And also that dirty jeans you use when you trotted outdoors? Your clothes and your washer may look squeaky clean after all those washing procedures but what about the invisible threats?

I am talking about germs and other minuscule, not-visible-to-the-naked-eye micro organisms that thrives just about everywhere. You might probably ask why there is a need to get rid of them.

The main reason is the smell. When they populate in your washer, it causes a foul odor to permeate from your washing machine. If there is a smell, there are germs. Also, they might be transferred to your clothes and will cause skin rashes to people with sensitive skin.

Okay, so here is what you can. Get white vinegar. Run an empty hot water cycle and add about a cup of white vinegar. Pause for a while and let the washing machine hang there for a few minutes. White vinegar has natural disinfecting qualities.

After doing so, resume the cycle and let it drain. Once you have finished, run an empty water cycle again to rinse off the vinegar smell. Your washer is now germ-free!

If you don't like this neat trick or just do not care much about the smell of vinegar, you can substitute it with a number of other natural cleaning ingredients such as lemon juice and baking soda.

Juice one lemon and add it to an empty hot water cycle. Follow the same procedures as the vinegar solution method and your washer will smell like lemon.

For baking soda, purchase a small pack of it and dump it in the tub. Wash it using n empty hot water cycle. This should help get rid of rancid smell and also remove dirt and grime on the walls of the tub. Germs will be washed off once you run an empty water cycle again.

Some people use bleach but I find it not only too pungent to use but also too harsh on Mother Nature. Plus, consuming one more bottle of bleach will just add up to the pile of garbage that cannot be recycled.

If you want a germ-free washing machine, why not go for those natural methods mentioned earlier? For sure, your washer will not only come out visible clean, they will also come out devoid of any harmful micro organisms.
Aricle by Alan Cassidy
Article added by Office cleaners Sheffield

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Cleaning High Traffic Office Areas

Offices can be busy places from 9 to 5 throughout the week, and as a result, many office buildings that get a lot of traffic begin to show wear and tear as a result as the week progresses. If your office building has high traffic areas, then you may require more than just a simple cleaning every week. You may require high traffic office area cleaning in addition to standard janitorial services. The reason for this is that areas that get high traffic are going to require a completely different level of specialized cleaning in order for you to restore them to their previous beauty.

If you are running an office that gets a lot of foot traffic or a lot of people traffic throughout the week, then you should definitely be considering special cleaning of those high traffic areas. The purpose behind a service that offers high traffic office area cleaning is to provide a caliber of cleaning that is well beyond the usual in terms of quality and depth. If you have carpeting or tile flooring that gets really dirty and really well used all throughout the week, then hiring a company to pay particular attention to those areas is going to be extremely beneficial.

Other areas of your office may only require light or occasional cleaning, like desks and office furniture for example, and this is okay. If there are areas of your business that get a lot of traffic or use however, such as bathrooms, the kitchen, waiting areas and reception areas, then you should consider hiring a company that is going to pay particular attention to these areas for you so that you can keep your entire office clean all throughout the week or month without having to worry about heavily populated areas becoming worse for wear.

Many businesses find that most of their traffic is in certain areas of the building. If you have a business with visits from clients, then the reception area or waiting area of your business may get the most use. If you do not see a lot of customers, but you hold a lot of meetings, then the board room, meeting rooms or even the kitchen or staff break room may see more use. The main room where cubicles are set up may also get a lot of foot traffic and heavy use. Understanding what areas see the most use in your office is the best way to get the most out of high traffic office area cleaning, because it will ensure that the most often used places in your company are the ones that get the most cleaning attention.

It would be wise to find a cleaning services company that specializes in extra cleaning of busy areas. When your cleaning service spends more time and pays more attention dealing with your high traffic areas, you can make sure that your office is always kept clean no matter how much foot traffic or people traffic it sees all throughout the week or month.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Services

Posted by Office Cleaners Doncaster

Having a clean home is something all of us can take pride in. While we may do our best to keep it that way, with a family and work there is often not enough time to do the job you would like to. Plus, when you do have some free time in the evening or on the weekends you don't want to always spend it cleaning for hours on end.

One way to get the best of both worlds is to hire someone to take care of the cleaning for you. There are plenty of green cleaning services too which means that they offer environmentally friendly options. You can feel good about the work they do when you arrive home. Knowing that they aren't using anything that can harm your family, pets, or the environment should make you feel very good.

All of us have a responsibility to take care of the environment. Reducing the use of harmful products is one way to do so. When you consider the number of people that use them all the time to clean their homes, you can see how eliminating them can make a significant impact.

Take your time to locate the various green cleaning services offered in your area. Chances are that more of them exist than you realize. You want to compare what they have to offer as well as their pricing. You can often get a discount if you schedule them to come at regular intervals than just when you want to get your home really clean.

Most of the green cleaning services will work both in homes as well as business environments. Ask them how long they have been in business, for references, and what their methods are for cleaning. The more information you have about them the easier it will be for you to make a final selection.

Some of the types of cleaners that are used with green cleaning services include vinegar, baking soda, water, and even cut lemons. They are able to mix these types of ingredients to help them get the work done that you don't have the time to complete or the desire to spend your time hassling with.

You do want to take the time to ask about their cleaning methods. Some green cleaning services claim that they don't use chemicals but there aren't really regulations against it. Therefore you need to educate yourself about what will be taking place. In fact, it is a good idea to be home or at the office the first few times that they come in to do work for you. Then you can observe what is being used. Question anything that seems out of the ordinary.

Most of the time green cleaning services cost more per hour than other cleaning services. This is due to the cost of the products they do use that are environmentally safe. A great number of the jobs you have them do for you could take longer due to them not using harmful chemicals. The trade off though is that you are getting positive results, helping the environment, and finding more free time.

Written by Hannah Rosas

Saturday 21 November 2009

How to clean marble

Marble can be cleaned by using dish washing soap in conjunction with warm water. Towel dry marble surfaces after cleaning them with advice from the owner of a cleaning service company in this free video on cleaning tips. Expert: Cynthia Deer

Posted by Cleaners Doncaster

How to Eliminate Kitchen Odors

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it also may be the cause of odor lingering around in the house. There is odor from spoiled milk, trash, and burnt food. There are dirty dishes, pots, spices causing havoc on the scent in the air and removing these odors is a difficult task.

When cooking with onions, broccoli and garlic a strong smell sits in the home. Now mix these odors with burnt microwavable popcorn stinking up the entire kitchen. It is terrible. You are able to smell it when you walk in and it sticks to your clothes when you walk out. It becomes a huge chore to remove. There are also pots, pans and dirty dishes left overnight causing chaos upon your otherwise tranquil home. The smell is repulsing, and the garbage disposal odors are the worst. There is no question regarding kitchen odors are the most difficult to remove from the home, but here are a few tips on how to eliminate it today.

Use orange peels. Orange peels are a wonderful, natural source that will mask the unwanted kitchen smell. Grind orange peels in the kitchen sink and turn on the garbage disposal. It will emit an orange scent throughout the kitchen. Another option to apply are limes. Limes are a great natural method of masking odors. You use lime peels in the same method and it leaves a clean citrus scent throughout the home. Vanilla is another technique to use, which hides awful kitchen odor.

An additional non-toxic trick to utilize when eliminating kitchen odor is to use baking soda. Pour or shake baking soda into a bowl and place it where the smell originates. The baking soda will absorb the smell relieving the home of the potent smells. It does not rid the odor completely, but it definitely helps the situation.

Vinegar is a common household item people use when ridding odors. It is safe to use on all surfaces so you may spray it on your kitchen counters, floors, and sink. Create a mixture of half vinegar and half water in a spray bottle and use it to spray on kitchen surfaces and wipe clean. The vinegar smell vanishes quickly. It works in disguising the odor providing another safe, cleaning household option. Furthermore, make sure you wipe off cooking spatters. Cooking oil, sauces, and other food spatters on stove, counters and utensils causing odors to multiply. Therefore, clean the areas from oil spills by using the vinegar and water mixture.

A final tip is to prevent a common mistake when cleaning the kitchen from odors is do not forget to clean the kitchen cabinet surfaces, including the doors on the cabinets. Cooking causes odor carrying fumes and vapor clinging to the kitchen cabinet surfaces. As a result, remove whatever is in the kitchen cabinets and wipe down the surfaces with the vinegar solution. Smell sticks, hence, if the kitchen has an unwanted odor it is then absorbed in the kitchen cabinetry too.

What-Odor? doesn't just mask odors, it guarantees it will completely eliminate odors.

Article Source:

Posted by office cleaners Sheffield

Friday 20 November 2009

Tips to Remove Sweat Stains and Odors

Anyone that works out at the GYM, does demanding physical work or strenuous exercise regularly has one or two T-shirts that have suffered from yellowish discoloration caused by sweat. Usually the underarm areas are affected the worst. In this article I will share some great tips that will help you remove those nasty sweat stains from your T-shirt.

White Vinegar works great not just for the removal of sweat stains, but it also gets rid of the smells of various sources.
To remove those nasty pit stains, close to the time after taking off the garment sprinkle the discolored area with white vinegar, rub it into the area, leave it for at least 20 minutes and wash your garment as usual.

For odor removal use about a cup of white vinegar and just add it to the wash load with the detergent. This can work effectively for any types of odor.

Although liquid bleach cannot be used on coloured or delicate fabrics, like silk or wool, it is one of the most effective methods for removing perspiration stains or odor. Apply it directly to the stained area for 10 minutes, and then wash your garments as usual. Or alternatively add a ½ cup of liquid bleach to your wash with the detergent. However, the downside of using a liquid bleach treatment is that it's a fairly corrosive substance. Repeated liquid bleach treatment can wear your garments out faster.

Many every day situations cause people to work up a sweat. These stain and odor removal tips will help you remove your perspiration marks quickly, easily and effectively.

Sweat stain removal shouldn't be difficult!
posted by Office Cleaners Doncaster

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Floor Cleaning

There are a lot of ways you can clean your flooring, but the best way to determine the right type of floor cleaning for you home is to become familiar with the different types of flooring in your home, and follow the manufacturers instructions and suggestions. The different types of flooring include: laminate, wood, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, and last, but not least, vinyl.One thing to keep in mind that usually the more expensive the flooring the more care it will take to keep it clean and looking new. There are a lot of different cleaning products for every type of flooring out there.

Laminate flooring is one of the most popular types of flooring being installed in homes today. This flooring has the beauty of real wood floors but it is much more durable and will withstand a lot more abuse that the softer wood of real wood floors. Laminate flooring has been know to withstand the abuse of childrens toys scraping on the floor, scratches and it still maintained its shine as looked as good as new. The best way to keep laminate flooring clean is to use laminate floor cleaning that is made especially it. Remember to wipe up and spills immediately so they don't have a chance to leak between the pieces. First sweep with a dust mop to clean up any stray dirt and then use a soft clean sponge mop sprayed with the laminate floor cleaner and you won't even be able to tell it was dully and dingy from every day use.

Caring about wood flooring isn't that much different from caring for laminate but there is one thing you will want to remember and that is you don't want to use floor cleaning products that are waxed based. A wood polish or cleaner can be used to bring the shine and beauty of the natural wood flooring back to life. Using area rugs will also help keep your wood floors protected a little better from everyday use.

When it comes to ceramic floor tiles and cleaning them you will find that they can be one difficult type of flooring to clean. Dirt builds up a lot easier and much more than on regular flooring. Sweep away surface dirt from the flooring then you will probably need to scrub the grout with a toothbrush in order to get the grime out.

How to Maintain Your Upholstered Furniture

Whether you are buying new upholstered furniture or already have what you need, here is how you can keep it looking good.

Shop for pieces that match your lifestyle and keep it clean! Lightly brush, then vacuum all upholstered surfaces weekly, including the crevices behind, under and between the cushions, as well as the cushions themselves. Although your upholstery doesn't look dirty, it is still absorbing small particles of dirt, oil and debris every single time anyone, including a pet, sits down.

Remove pet hair using a rubber glove, sticky tape, roller, or lint brush. Plump and rotate cushions and pillows to distribute wear. Air out the cushions or use an odor neutralizer to avoid musty smells.

Clean stains immediately! If it's a wet stain, remove solids with a spatula, use a white cloth or paper towel to blot, then treat with a stain remover, working from the edges to the center to avoid spreading the stain. Blow dry afterward to avoid rings, then gently brush to restore fabric nap. Spot treat any preexisting stains with remover, blotting them out rather than rubbing them in. By the way, baby wipes are great for removing upholstery stains!

With regular maintenance, dirt will not build up and your upholstered furniture will not look dirty. But if you've been lax and your furniture shows it, you will need to do a deeper cleaning. Under no circumstances should you unzip cushion covers and toss them in the wash, unless specifically directed to do so by the manufacturer. The fabric is likely to discolor, shrink or become otherwise unusable.

You can steam clean your furniture with an upholstery attachment, but there are easier, safer ways. Steam cleaning can completely ruin certain fabrics so, unless you are sure that steam cleaning is safe, choose another option.

Your first step is to identify the upholstery fabric and determine what you can and cannot use to clean it. This is very important because different fabrics require different cleaning agents. Check furniture tags beforehand. Once you know the fabric, you can decide what to use.

Upholstery cleaner, appropriate for your fabric, is usually available in spray bottles. In general, a water based cleaner works for synthetic fabrics while a solvent based cleaner works for organic fabrics. Test the cleaner first in a small, inconspicuous area and allow it to dry before proceeding.

Using clean white cloth, work from area to area, following instructions on the upholstery cleaner label. Blot rather than rub, keep moisture to a minimum and be sure to dry thoroughly with a fan or blow-dryer. For especially dirty upholstery try Tuff Stuff, available at Wal-Mart and many hardware stores.

Upholstery tears and holes are easily repaired using iron-on patches. For tears, simply position a small piece of patch under the tear and iron one side. Then, pull the other side into place and, while holding, iron the sides together. Be sure the iron temperature is not too hot for the fabric.

For holes, cut a small piece of matching fabric from an inconspicuous area and iron it to a patch. Trim the patch, leaving a margin around the perimeter. Position the patch behind the hole so the fabric is showing and iron it into place.

Protect clean furniture with stain repellent or Scotch Guard. Washable seat covers and throws can be added to reduce wear, shield furniture from dirt and stains, and help keep upholstery looking clean and new. Close blinds during the day or rotate furniture to avoid sun damage. The sun can actually bleach out some fabrics, causing severe discoloration. Keep newspapers off the furniture to avoid newsprint stains.

If you smoke inside you are asking for trouble. Cigarette smoke deposits a sticky, smelly, yellow substance on everything it touches, including your upholstery, and it can be difficult or impossible to remove.

If you have a kitty (with claws), you may need to treat some upholstered surfaces with anti-scratch spray to protect against tearing and shredding.

Jim Thornton has been cleaning carpets for many years. In that time many methods of carpet cleaning have been used but the best carpet cleaning results have been achieved using dry foam extraction. For more information go to